Fossil-Fuels to Solar Energy to Finance
Fossil-Fuels to Solar Energy to Finance
Dear Anthony,
In discussing career options with my two kids the other day, I asked them to consider the career finding work we did together several years ago. I was happy to find that your business is thriving and also bought them a copy of the Now What? book.
I still refer to the materials every now and then . . . I moved into solar, then back to a Corporate job in London for 5 years and now I am in Finance in one of the company’s units in LA. There is, of course, a talent thread weaving through all my career choices. Many thanks for bringing clarity to that.
Dear Anthony,
Well, it all happened! I have been working as a business development manager for the solar energy business division of my company (big oil). This division of the company certainly has most of the ingredients that we talked about in our discussions — I believe this is a very good fit.
I have no words to thank you and explain how much you helped me out… Our taped discussion (of the test results), but especially your subsequent e-mails provided much needed strength and clarity; they fueled a personal commitment to make it happen. I will never forget it! I hope that this gives you a sense of closure and fulfillment. I also hope that we can meet one day — I remember you mentioning to live in the DC area. Well, if you come up north, please call to get together. I would like to stay in touch.