Uncover Your Talents
What’s Included?
The Careerfinder includes career testing and expert career coaching: Career Testing and Results Kit: comprehensive career aptitude testing, a natural talent profile, and customized recommendations for career paths and career fields that fit your natural talent profile. Results materials included: A one-hour audio seminar on natural talents Talent profiles that suit your ability pattern Inventive career lists […]
Gelett Burgess
There is work that is work and there is play that is play; there is play that is work and work that is play. And in only one of these lie happiness. ~Gelett Burgess
Magaret Wheatley
Many of us have created lives that give very little support for experimentation. We believe that answers already exist out there, independent of us. What if we invested more time and attention to our own experimentation? We could focus our efforts on discovering solutions that work uniquely for us. ~Magaret Wheatley
Buckminster Fuller
Dare to be naive. ~R. Buckminster Fuller (inventor & visionary for the most efficient use of Spaceship Earth’s resources)
Albert Einstein
I think and think for months, for years. Ninety-nine times the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right. ~Albert Einstein
Stephen Jay Gould
Any human being is really good at certain things. The problem is that the things you’re good at come naturally. And since most people are pretty modest instead of an arrogant s.o.b. like me, what comes naturally, you don’t see as a special skill. It’s just you. It’s what you’ve always done. ~ Stephen Jay Gould, evolutionary scientist