FAQ: Why Pathfinders
I’ve taken lots of different career tests, how is yours better?
I’ve taken lots of different career tests, how is yours better? Pathfinders aptitude testing gives you information that you “don’t know” about yourself. Our career testing measures your actual potential and innate ability to perform specific tasks. The bulk of the widely available career tools are not really “tests”—they are skill inventories and interest questionnaires. […]
Are your tools different than those at college career centers?
Are your tools different than those at college career centers? The aptitude testing and coaching methods we use at pathfinders are vastly more advanced than career center services. No exaggeration, the tools they use are so archaic that college students rank the value of most campus career centers lower than the parking lot. The bulk of the […]
What are natural talents?
Uncovering Your Innate Talents & Abilities What the heck are natural talents? The conventional notion of natural ability is that only a small number of people are “talented” or “gifted.” A newer, more accurate model of intelligence is that all people have a “set” of inborn talents. We are all “smart,” just in different ways. […]