
The Edge Pieces of the Career Puzzle
“The meeting was a smashing success and I was impressed with your ability to see my son’s strengths and relay it to him in a way that was helpful and meaningful.” ~professor of pyschology

Famine Analyst to Global Health Program Manager
“I have recently thought so much about what we talked about and what I thought would be important. I have gotten some of that. So thank you!”

Public Relations VP to Mental Health Counselor
“I explored so many options based on what I learned from working with you and this felt right. I’m excited about the change.”

Career Change from Stock Broker to Economics Teacher
“I just accepted an offer to teach economics and business at a school in London!!!”

Career Change from Personal Trainer to Data Scientist
” It is funny how life works out sometimes . . . I got lucky to be starting in a field that should match well with my abilities and motivations.”

Executive Makes Career Switch to Non-profit CEO
“I’m excited and nervous. My work with you really helped me figure out what I am best at…” ~CEO, Civil Rights non-profit

College Freshman What Should I Major In?
“I am very thankful for your help…it has helped my son in college narrow his focus.”

From Campaigning to Fundraising
“I think your consultation helped me to appreciate my natural abilities as just that: abilities, and only shortcomings when I tried to apply them to the wrong role.”

Talents Highlighted and Acknowledged
“It has been extremely insightful into who I am as a person and my natural abilities.”

The Boys Are Well On Their Way
“My boys really benefitted by your program and guidance. I’ve given out your name to lots of friends because I have seen the results first hand.”