Programs, Prices & Getting Signed Up : 2025


Ready to dive in? We can guide your quest to create a career that blurs the line between work, life, and play. Here’s a rundown of our programs, prices, and getting signed up.


Uncover Your Talents

Careerfinder (Phase 1)

Uncover your gifts, talents and personality traits and find out what career paths fit you best. Includes our innovative professional career aptitude testing, results kit, a 1.5 hour talent profile consultation, and wrap up recommendations for next steps.

The Careerfinder is highly effective for people all ages and career stages, whether you are choosing a college major, making a career choice, or planning a career change.



Design Your Career

Career QUEST (Phases 1, 2 and 3)

The Quest is perfect for recent college grads and young professionals who can benefit from a powerful combination of career testing and expert career design coaching to put the career world in perspective and help make their career choice a manageable process. It also works well for mid-career professionals who want to redirect or fine-tune their career.

Begins with phase 1, the Careerfinder test, and then continues with phase 2 and 3. Includes the Careerfinder test, results kit, 1.5 hr. talent profile consultation and up to four coaching sessions.



Change Your Career

Pathfinders CareerCX (Phases 1, 2, 3 and 4)

The CareerCX program is perfect for experienced professionals of all ages who want to change careers, plan a transition, or reinvent their life for a second or third act.

Begins with phase 1, the Careerfinder test and 1.5 hr. talent profile consultation and then continues with phases 2 through 4. Includes the Careerfinder test, results kit, 1.5 hr. talent profile consultation and up to six coaching sessions.



Venmo and PayPal are also available (and preferable) to make payment. Go to the Contact page to let us know you prefer to use one of these payment systems and we’ll send you a link or QR Code.

Let us know the following:

The program you’d like to register for (Careerfinder, Quest, or CareerCX), and your name, shipping address, email, and phone number.


Got Questions? Please feel welcome to set up a brief introductory 20 minute call (it’s free) to learn more and explore a fit with one of the programs, we love talking about this stuff.


Logistics: » Once you register, we mail you a testing kit to take at home.

About the Phases: » How the 4-phase process works

Upgrades: Prefer to start small? We’re cool with program upgrades.

U.S. Shipping: Free / U.S. Priority Mail

International Shipping: DHL Express, rates vary by country. Delivery Estimate: 3 – 5 business days with online tracking.
