What College Major Is Right for Me?
Trying to decide what college major is right for you?
The majority of college students are asking the “What major is right for me?” question after they land in college. Here’s the real scoop. About 75 percent of recent college graduates say they didn’t put near enough consideration into choosing their major, and half of these said they should have chosen a different major altogether.
Hoping the future will work itself out after college? Don’t bet on it. At least 70 percent of college-educated mid-career professionals say they still don’t know what they want to be when they grow up. Seriously, just ask your parents. Let’s just say that the career choice by trial and error is too expensive and rarely pans out favorably.
The good news is you can do something about it.
What to do? Discover what your best at. Why? There’s too much to choose from out there. You can confidently narrow down your career choices by learning what career fields come most naturally to you.
What’s a practical step you can take? Talk to your parents about getting professional career aptitude testing to assess your innate strengths and weaknesses. Our career choice book, “Now What?” will help you match your natural talents to career fields and subject areas that best fit your natural abilities and personality traits.
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