Are skills different than aptitudes?

Are skills different than aptitudes?

Aptitudes are inborn; skills are learned. For instance, a duck has a natural ability for swimming in water. One of the duck’s strongest inborn aptitudes is its webbed feet; another natural strength would be its down feathers. You might be able to teach a duck “skills” in tree climbing, but it won’t come very naturally. You may even find a duck that is “interested” in climbing trees, but it will likely burnout at mid-career trying to excel at a squirrel’s job.

So it goes for us humans. We are born with aptitudes and abilities that come naturally, and they are more fun to stick with, hone and practice daily. Over time, leveraging your innate talents is the path to developing a mastery. Practicing your strengths makes perfect. Practicing your weaknesses can make you a little better, which is helpful, but is this very difficult to sustain over time. The workplace if full of disguised introverted specialists that are working very hard at being more outgoing, tribal generalists and managers. In private, they tell me they are absolutely exhausted by the end of the day, and even though the status and money are good, they’re unhappy.

We might as well develop what we’re best at; why bother with struggling at things that don’t fit? A good rule of thumb, if you’re struggling to learn, bored or not excelling in your work, chances are you landed on a career track that doesn’t suit your best talents and abilities.
