What Should I Be When I Grow Up?
Part 1: What Should I Be?
Making career decisons that count is complex. Fulfilling work is widely considered important, but it’s not so easy to get. If you fell into your career, took a stab in the dark, or listened to the voices of tradition and picked a career that doesn’t excite you, it’s not your fault. Even with all the talk about finding a passion, since most of us are unsure of what we want, the default choice looks a lot more like practical compromise. Long held conventions about success are not easy to outsmart. Many of my career change clients say their friends and family think they’re going nuts for wanting an exciting career.
If you lack clear direction and focus, welcome to the human race. No one is born with clarity about what to do with their life. A big part of what makes life fun is figuring this out. Through experimentation and self study we learn what works best for us.
Until very recently, an effective process to make wise career choices has not existed, nor was there a demand for one. Since work as always been thought of as a means to security and social status, just about any good job would do to meet this end. The conventional philosophy of work doesn’t promote the need to make a well thought out career decision. The method most commonly used looks a lot like getting married to the blind date.
What Should I Be When I Grow Up Test
Yes, there is such a thing as a professional “What should I be when i grow up test” for High Schoolers and College Students. Before you choose your major or go out there to test-drive careers that you’re considering, it’s wise to bring a compass that will direct you toward careers that fit you like a fine leather glove. What career paths are you innately cut out for?
To take a professional career aptitude test, check out the Careerfinder Program.
Without any intentional, fancy way of adjusting yourself, to express yourself as you are is the most important thing. ~Shunryu Suzuki