Seasoned Professional
Executive Makes Career Switch to Non-profit CEO
“I’m excited and nervous. My work with you really helped me figure out what I am best at…” ~CEO, Civil Rights non-profit
The Search for Meaning at Work: Part 1
The Search for Meaning at Work: Part 1 By Shari Caudron There’s a soul-searching epidemic afoot in the workplace. Employees are no longer content with just a paycheck and good benefits; they want meaning and passion. Here’s how fulfilling work can add up to more productive, happier employees and perhaps a healthier bottom line. […]
Switching Jobs for Meaning, Not Money
USA Today Weekend Features Pathfinders Switching Jobs for Meaning, Not Money Anthony Spadafore, a top career consultant in the Washington DC-area, coaches people to design, plan and switch to careers that have personal meaning. By Tom McNichol Greg ball has always loved the outdoors, but his career left him little time to enjoy it. That […]
Career Change at 40 and After
Making a Career Change at 40 and After For many, a career change at 40-something is about optimizing. Many people have accomplished major career and life goals and are ready to take a breather to plan for their next career move, possibly an entrepreneurial venture. For others, a mid-career change is about reinventing themselves to […]
Therapist Plus Business Psychologist
Therapist plus Business Psychologist Anthony: I wonder if you remember me? I had done the aptitude testing evaluation with you in December 2001. Can’t believe it’s been almost 7 years. I hope all is well with you. I have made a number of changes after I saw you, some of which was precipitated by […]
Physics To Social Sciences
Shifting From Physics to Applied Social Sciences April 19, 2013 Anthony, A pleasure to talk with you and good conversation yesterday. As I was going through the career fields, it was very interesting to see those that intersected [with my mix of aptitudes] are subject areas I’ve been exploring — social entrepreneurship, holistic medicine, yoga, […]
IT Project Manager to Consultant
“I took a job as a consultant, one of my top three career paths revealed by the careerfinder testing. My wife keeps remarking about what a great mood I’m in all the time.”
Fossil-Fuels to Solar Energy to Finance
Fossil-Fuels to Solar Energy to Finance Dear Anthony, In discussing career options with my two kids the other day, I asked them to consider the career finding work we did together several years ago. I was happy to find that your business is thriving and also bought them a copy of the Now What? book. […]
Materials Scientist to Non-profit Grants Manager
“After I accepted the position, I went back and looked at my Pathfinders e-Notebook with all my career specs, and it’s almost eerie how much of a match there is . . .”
Pharmacist to University Dean
“What a hoot, to find out so very much about myself at age 60! Better late than never. Pathfinders should be a rite of passage for all people, just like getting a driver’s license and registering to vote.”