Can you help me plan and strategize a career transition?

Can you help me plan and strategize a career change and transition?

Absolutely. Take a look at our CareerCX Program program. Transitioning or “launching” a new career is the last phase of our 4-phase process.

Once you discover your talents, make your quest, and design and choose your career, we offer clever methods to help you strategize and plan your approach to gaining entry into your new career. If you don’t have a solid plan, or know how to design one, you aren’t ready to make a transition. An architect can’t build a bridge without a blueprint.

Career changes come in different shapes and sizes

If you’re changing professions, say from being a lawyer to a psychologist, a career transition can take between five and seven years to fully complete, it is highly unlikely that you would “have” the new career while doing our program.

On the other end of the continuum, changing jobs as an accountant from one company to another is not a “career change,” it’s a job change to a different company within your field of expertise. If you’re a pretty happy accountant and only need help with landing a new accounting job, you won’t need Pathfinders. 

Some people are in the right field, but wrong job function. Lots of people are considering changing positions within their current field. For example, a marketing guy with an MBA working for computer engineering company that realized that he’s actually cut out to be a computer programmer. Changing careers from a generalist business track to a specialized engineering track is very possible, especially if you’ve been teaching your self how to write code in your free time. However, this is a significant change if you don’t have much technical training in the subject matter. But, a functional change within a company where you know people is not as big of a jump as that lawyer who wants to be a therapist.

How big of a leap do you need to make? Are you in the right field, just in the wrong role or position? Or vice versa, wrong field but wearing the right hat?

Many of our clients are mismatched on several levels, they’re wearing the wrong functional hat and doing it in the wrong field. For example, there was a tax auditor in the public accounting field who learned that his natural abilities are for being a counselor in a psychology-based field. A significant career mismatch like this takes many years to fix. I call this being in the wrong ballpark; he was trained in for the wrong sport, and, playing the wrong position on the team. This guy was about to accept an offer and dig himself deeper in the hole in the accounting field, but fortunately had the guts to hold off and do a major rethinking of his direction.

A successful change requires a plan. And, a plan needs an architect that knows what he’s good at, what he wants bad enough to commit to doing, and what difference he really cares to make in the world to motivate him to take some big chances.  

Our commitment is to provide you with the tools to figure out what sort of change you need to make, guide you to make an excellent career choice, and point the way for you to get things started off in the right direction.
